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Intermediate Listening

ESL-Lab- Listening
-Listening Quizzes

ESL Bee- Listening
-Listening Quizzes and Vocabulary

The following Dictations are from

Pooh (A A Milne)
1984 (George Orwell)
Prufrock (T S Eliot)
The Owl (James Thurber)
The Emperor's Clothes (H C Andersen)
Earthly Powers (Anthony Burgess)
Remains of the Day (Kazuo Ishiguro)
Sons and Lovers (D H Lawrence)
Lord of the Flies (William Golding)
Emma (Jane Austen)
The Great Gatsby (Scott Fitzgerald)
The Hobbit (J R Tolkien)
Three Men in a Boat (J K Jerome)

Last Modified on October 31, 2019